The story begins when I was a little tucker, probably 16 years old. I was living in Perth and worked at Morley McDonald's. Maccas has everything backwards. They have the girls at the front and the guys in the kitchen, and we all know.. it's the women that belong in the kitchen. Not the men.
One day, I was working out the back (in the kitchen) making some kickass burgers when this boy Martin initiates conversation. He was a bit of a weirdo and had more than a few bolts loose in the upstairs department. You'd say he was socially retarded. So, he opens conversation with the most awkward topic on the planet. He goes to me "hey, when I wank... I don't cum". I was obviously like wtf?
Why would a guy, deem it necessary to talk about ejaculation to another guy? I really didn't care and was like wtf? This other guy overheard and was like "it's called shooting blanks!".
So we were all working, just chillin', we had moved on from the earlier conversation. Me and a few of the boys were still throwing around jokes about Martin's ejaculation problem. WHEN! I rip out the most killer joke. If this didn't burn him, I don't know what would have!
I was in the wash room, washing shit. As you do. When I needed help so I call out to Martin.. "Hey Martin, can you come here?"
Then! My genius mind went into overdrive and ripped the best one liner I've ever said in my life.
As soon as I said that, all the boys in the kitchen were pissing them selves and literally rolling on the floor laughing. Poor Martin went red and didn't know what to do except let out a little "fuck you".
SO! Lesson learnt. Never, ever, ever, EVER! Talk about ejaculation or lack there of with other guys.
I hope this was entertaining. I had to share it :)
I hope this was entertaining. I had to share it :)
Ahahahaha poor Martin! What fucking douche! I laughed... HARD!!! Did you read my blog about Shara and her ex getting a dog? THAT was a golden rip also!!!