I wouldn't really do that, but could you imagine :|
So! Recent news!
Last night, I had the honour of attending a Justin Bieber concert.
Yes, I am 19, fuck you.
I actually sped to Rod Laver Arena, getting changed while driving because I was at an induction for work. While speeding, I was untying my shoe laces and putting my shoes on and unbuttoning my shirt. I drove for about 5 minutes in my underwear and at every set of lights on Flinders Street I'd put on a piece of clothing. I parked on the other side of the park (I forgot what it was called.. let me find out.. okay, it was the Royal Botanic Gardens) and I sprinted for Rod Laver, through the dark park searching for any rogue dicks so I don't get raped while on the run!

I made it to Rod Laver, outside of the Arena were all of these parents, waiting for their lovely young daughters... or faggot ass sons to come out. I sprinted up the stairs (yes, my story involved very fast actions such as speeding and sprinting because I wanted to make it! AND I'M AN ACTIVE PERSON!.. only when I want to get to Bieber). I get into the entrance and I was like "I'm late... can I still come in?" and the lady says "Oh, you foolish boy. You'll just make the last song". SO! Straight after that 'g' in 'song' rolled off her tongue, I sprinted to gate 12 and found my friends and made it just in time for the little slut to sing his hit 'Baby'.
I must admit, all of that sprinting and the $95 I paid to watch about 10 minutes of his concert was completely worth it. The screams of the little shits were deafening and I was genuinely excited to see The Biebs because of this. The atmosphere was incredible and I was quickly trying to scope out a new girlfriend amongst the crowd, but evidently, they were all too young for me. Maybe I could have taken one of the mums.. but I didn't think of it at the time.
It was amazing just to see all of these little girls (Note: There may have been boys, or guys) jumping and singing all the words to the song. Hearing little girls yell out "FUCK ME, JUSTIN" made me wonder about where kids these days are heading... THEIR HEADS ARE GOING STRAIGHT TO JUSTIN'S CROTCH! ALONG WITH THEIR MOUTHS!... Judging by the way they're going.
I could have written more, but I think my determination to make it to that last 10 minutes of the concert is the true story here.
My throat hurts from screaming. Yes, screaming. Just because I went to Justin Biebers concert, doesn't mean I suck dick.
I hope you're all well!
Not really, just trying to be kind.
But seriously, be happy.
I love you all so much.
But seriously, be happy.
I love you all so much.
Justin Bieber!?! He has a tiny penis! Or a large clit... Not sure! I have a mental image of you running through the park and all of these random hobo's jumping out at you, knob in hand and you being like 'schwing schwing cock deflection, mother fuckers!!!' hahahaha! I've only been to Melbourne once but I know Flinders street... This makes me AWESOME!!! I am strongly resisting the urge to give you major shit over attending the little lesbo concert! Re...sis...ting! At least you made it to hear the lesbian stalker anthem! OMG the film clit for that song... I mean clip... Wait... No I don't! Shits me!!! >_< it's like Imma stalk your ho ass till you let me slip a digit! Actually... Justin may just be onto something with that?!?
xoxo Jen :)